Trouble sleeping? 9 out of 10 doctors recommend . . .

You’ve heard that phrase: “Yeah, it was a real sleeper.”

Maybe talking about a movie or book.

What can I say? I guess I’ve got one on my hands.


I mean, why write a book?

It’s obvious! Put something out there that does some good, something positive!

What’s more positive than relaxing? Meditating? Dreaming?  

By the way, if you’re interested in what people are saying about LIVE FROM JAPAN! there are some nice reviews at . . .

Amazon (16 reviews)

Barnes & Noble (12 reviews)

If those inspire you and you want to learn about the real Japan, I give you high marks for your curiosity and judgment. Here’s where you can pick up a copy.

As a Kindle ebook from Amazon (US)
As a deluxe paperback from Amazon (US)
As a Kindle ebook from Amazon (Canada)
As a Nook Book from Barnes & Noble
As an iBook from the Apple Store
As an ebook from Scribd
As an ebook from Kobo (US)
Your choice of ebook formats at Smashwords 
As a deluxe paperback direct from the printer

“It is better to have ordered and lost than to have never ordered at all.” – Shopping Channel Spiritual Advisor, Mahatma Kingsley